Yes, that's right, BREASTS! Why are we talking about this, you ask? Well, why not? As a female, breasts are part of our bodies, that get more attention in appearance, then they do in our actual health. So, here it is ladies and gentlemen, breast massage (yes, I said massage) can be a great addition to your health regimen. Many, many women (and men) have no idea that this is a thing! It sure is and, its great!
Here's a bit of back story for you: Many, many years ago I went on a trip with two of my girlfriends from high school. The one was already familiar with getting massage treatments as her sister at the time was an RMT. She decided to book herself a massage while we were on vacation. I remember sitting in our room with my other friend, waiting until friend A was done her treatment. The door flew open and she had this weird look on her face. She sat down and was kind of quiet (this friend was the very outspoken friend hahaha). I asked her how it went and she replied something along the lines of "I want you to go book one and tell me if they do the same thing to you". My first thought was something seriously wrong happened. She ended up telling us that while she was face up, the body worker was massaging her head, neck and shoulders, then suddenly started massaging her upper chest and breasts and then worked her way up to her face. She continued explaining the rest of the massage and finally, she thought it was too weird and decided to stop the treatment.
Now you are probably thinking, where I am going with this? The thing is for someone who was getting massage treatments on a regular basis, she thought that getting her breasts massaged was very strange. But in actual fact, it really isn't. It was weird because she never experienced it before and also we were in a different country. Was it a consent issue and language barrier? I really don't know. In North America, breasts are considered sexual and really that's it. My point is, breast tissue is in fact just that - Tissue. It is a part of the body that also needs work on, just like any other part of the body.
Fast forward 4 years later :
As a female student, being in massage school in fourth term, hearing that we will be learning breast massage actually made me uncomfortable. I didn't want anyone to see my chest exposed, let alone have someone other then my significant other "touch" them. I honestly thought it was weird. But seeing the teacher show and explain the demonstration, I thought "actually this isn't too bad".

wearing a bra, age, exercise, family health history etc.
Main reasons are to become more familiar with your body and notice any changes happening in your body. Common factors to get a treatment are:
- Postural issues - mid back pain
- Reduction surgery
- Mastectomy or lumpectomy
- Pre/post pregnancy
- Having difficulty breast feeding - blocked duct/mastitis
- Shoulder problems
- Chronic headaches/migraines
- Any trauma or injury to front of chest area
- Overall maintenance
I must say though, that as a therapist there is special consent that has to be asked to be able to perform this type of treatment and of course certain indications of having this treatment done or even suggested, as noted above.

So now that you know this IS a thing, consider having a breast massage if you are experiencing any of the above indications or if you just want to try it!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me directly at
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