Wednesday 11 January 2017

Tasty Water Recipes to Stay Hydrated During the Winter Months

With the cold winter months now upon us and heaters in homes, offices and cars running at full blast, some of you may be noticing anything from 'dry, winter skin' to more headaches: these are signs of dehydration! If your New Year's resolution was to drink more water or you just need a gentle nudge to 'up' your water intake, we're here to help. 

Most of us have heard the classic '8 glasses of water a day', but do you really know why? Fluid helps you stay healthy and energized. It also:
  • controls your body temperature
  • aids digestion
  • carries nutrients around your body
  • cushions organs and joints
  • gets rid of waste
  • keeps your bowels regular
Your body loses water by sweating, breathing and getting rid of waste (urine and stool). If you lose more fluid than you take in you can get dehydrated.

Signs and symptoms of mild hydration include:
  • thirst
  • dry lips and mouth
  • flushed skin
  • tiredness
  • irritability
  • headache
  • dizziness
  • fainting
  • low blood pressure
  • increase in heart rate
  • dark, strong smelling urine
Signs of severe dehydration include:

  • blue lips
  • blotchy skin
  • confusion
  • lack of energy
  • cold hands and feet
  • rapid breathing
  • high fever
  • unconsciousness
How Much is Enough? 

How much fluid you need every day depends on your age, sex and activity level.  Hot and humid weather can increase your needs.

According to the The Dieticians of Canada to keep your body hydrated, aim for a fluid intake of about:

  • 3 L (12 cups) for men 19 years old and over each day
  • 2.2 L (9 cups) for women 19 years old and over each day.
This sounds like a lot but remember this is cups NOT glasses like we have all heard before. Water is one of the best fluid choices. Herbal teas are fine as long as there is no added sugar i.e. brew your own tea and drink it, don't buy pre-bought options.

Follow these tips to stay hydrated:
  • Drink a glass of water when you wake up each morning or before you go to bed.
  • Keep a fresh glass of water by your desk or on hand where you work.
  • Carry a container of water with you throughout the day.
  • Drink a glass of water before eating your meals (ensure you don't drink too much as this can dilute your stomach acid and digestive enzymes).
  • Make sure you have a drink with each meal such as a glass of low fat milk, soy beverage or water.
  • Don’t ignore thirst. Drink water or another healthy drink when you feel thirsty. 

Keeping Water Healthy and FUN!

The next thing we hear a lot is "Water is SO boring" or "I hate the taste of water" and unfortunately some companies out there have taken advantage of this by marketing and selling water additives such as powders and liquid flavourings but beware: these are filled with numerous chemicals like aspartame and are chock full of sugar! These essentially negate any positives the water is doing for you and can actually be detrimental by causing a "sugar crash".

Keep it simple. Think of flavor combos you like in other recipes and build from there. Here are some ideas to get you started:
  • Cucumber + lime + strawberry + mint
  • Lemon + raspberry + rosemary
  • Orange + blueberry + basil
  • Lime + ginger root + basil
  • Watermelon + honeydew + mint
  • Cucumber + mint + jalapeno
  • Lemon + thyme
  • Orange + hibiscus + star anise
  • Orange + cinnamon + cardamom + cloves
  • Pear + fennel
Below is a GREAT chart of combinations to help keep your taste buds happy and your system hydrated which we utilize at the clinic ourselves:

Choose organic ingredients when you can. Wash produce and rinse herbs to remove chemicals, pesticides, and other residues.

The Vessel

Glass, plain and simple. Tune in to our social media (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) tomorrow for a great read from our naturopathic doctor Jessica Gurske on why your new year should be plastic and BPH free! 

Stay hydrated my friends! 

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