Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Buying Locally

Buying locally is key to having a thriving society, along with healthy lifestyle for you and your family. The benefits of buying local not only involve helping your next door neighbour pursue their dream in starting a small business, it is healthier for you and benefits the world we live in. 

Eating foods that are pesticide, antibiotic and hormone free are a huge upgrade to your diet. The meat, fruit and vegetables you ate should come from farms that care about the methods and the products they are providing to you. You should be well informed on where you food is coming from to make a healthy lifestyle for yourself. 

The earth benefits from us sourcing our foods locally because it cuts down on fossil fuels. Your food does not have to travel far distances to make it to your family table. You can save the air quality by purchasing foods in your own backyard. This also cuts down on the packaging and plastics that are required to transport your foods long distances. You can bring your own bag to the farm or reusable bin to take your goodies home with you. It's also more nutritious! As soon as foods are picked, they start to lose nutrients. Produce picked at a local farm only a couple days before you purchase it, is a lot more nutritious than produce shipped from another country over a week or two before even reaching the grocery store.

So now that you are jazzed about creating a healthier inside and outer environment, let's guide you to a few businesses in our  own backyard that will help you make this an easy transition. 

Breslau Farm

Meet the adorable Oskar who helps out with farm tasks

Breslau Farm just came into my radar a few months ago and I am giving them a shinning review. As you know, The Coach House believes in supporting local businesses when it comes to products we carry/promote along with the food we eat. 

So let me introduce you to Breslau Farm, who's goal is to provide families with 'ethically-raised animal products and high quality produce'. 

This really is a one stop shop for all your pasture animals. The best thing is all their animals are raised humanly in a responsible manner to ensure the animals are healthy and happy. They are free ranged, hormone and antibiotic free. The food consumed by the animals are free from chemicals.

You can shop for;

  • Beef
  • Pork
  • Poultry (eggs and duck)
  • Vegetables (over 50 different varieties) 

Follow them on Instagram and Facebook @BreslauFarm to stay up to date on their events, like June Farm Day, and new products they have to offer. You can shop online or visit the farm to see where your food comes from and who puts in endless hours to ensure the highest quality! 

Brookfront Farms

Another favourite for meats is Brookfront Farms in New Dundee! Specializing in organic, 100% grass fed beef, they offer individual cuts as well as mixed boxes all the way up to full cows. They also have a great little farm store stocked with local fruits, veggies and eggs which makes the scenic drive out totally worth it!

Follow them on Facebook and Instagram @brookfront_farms

CSA Boxes

Next up, is one of our go to's a CSA box! Not only do you get locally grown healthy food from surrounding farms but you also help the small scale local farms to buy the items they need to keep their farm going.  

Are you unsure about what CSA boxes are ? 

We have done a past Wellness Wednesday featuring  Henceforth Farms. Re watch the interview with Steven by clicking here. Dr. Jessica asks the questions you are wanting the answer to!

Want to sign up for CSA at Henceforth? Click here

Another option is Fertile Ground out of St Agatha.

So now you have the food...what do you do with it?

If you need to be inspired in the kitchen we have a business that can help out with that! Friends At Our Table is a social dining club that connects food enthusiasts within the community. You can choose to be a host for an event or browse through their culinary event page and find a class or tour that interests you. 

You can participate in the preparation and cooking process or you can sit back and watch the experts at work. It may just be the inspiration you need to jump start creativity back into your home kitchen. 

Follow them to see past events and stay up to date with up and coming events so you do not miss out! You can find them on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @friendsatourtable

We encourage your to stay engaged with your local business. You will create a lasting relationship creating a greater sense of community. 

Thanks for tuning in.

The Coach House Team

Wednesday, 5 June 2019



How Treatment Can Help

Having a headache is something that most people have experienced at some point in their life. For others, headaches seem to creep into their daily life more often than they would like. In either case, I think we can all agree that having a headache is something that we can really live without. Headaches can keep you from enjoying time with friends and family, can hinder your productivity at work, and can prevent you from being active. 

Having a headache is the 3rd most common reason why someone would seek out the help of a chiropractor. I will outline the most common types of headaches that I see in practice and recommend strategies in dealing with each.

A headache can be categorized as a primary or secondary headache. Primary headaches are idiopathic in nature meaning they occur for no apparent reason. Common primary headaches are migraine and tension-type headaches. Patients with migraine headaches typically present with a pulsatile type pain on one side of the head accompanied by nausea and/or vomiting. Migraines can be preceded by or occur with or without an aura and definitely cause light and/or sound sensitivity. Tension-type headaches usually present with a pressing or squeezing type pain on both sides of the head and are not aggravated by daily routine activities. Secondary headaches are the result of another underlying issue in the head or neck. The most common secondary headache is a cervicogenic headache. The headache in this case is the direct result of injured structures in the neck. These headaches are aggravated by head movements or direct pressure on the neck. Both primary and secondary headaches can be episodic or chronic in nature.

Treatment options:

Migraine Headaches:            spinal manipulation, soft tissue therapy, acupuncture

Tension-Type Headaches:    low load craniocervical mobilizations (manual therapy or resistance   band work), soft tissue therapy, and acupuncture

Cervicogenic Headaches:    spinal manipulation, soft tissue therapy, deep neck flexor exercises,   and acupuncture

If you happen to be a headache sufferer, not to fret, there are options to help remedy your pains. With the right diagnosis, the right treatment plan can be developed and you are only a short time away from having some relief!

Headaches shouldn’t be ignored and any new/different headache will require diagnosis and intervention.

If you happen to experience the worst headache ever experienced, please go straight to the hospital. Don’t mess around with headaches!

Dr. Mark